Scarborough North & South State Beach Complex (1937)

Scarborough is Rhode Island’s most popular and well-known beach. Scarborough North was originally developed in 1937. It has long been known as the principal destination for a "day at the beach" for thousands of Rhode Islanders over the years.
Located 35 miles south of Providence on Ocean Road in Narragansett, it is a 26-acre facility with roughly 2,325 feet of beach frontage. With the acquisition of Olivo's and Lido’s beaches to the south of Scarborough, the State of Rhode Island added an additional 16 acres and over 1,000 feet of beach frontage for expanding the saltwater recreational facilities at Scarborough. After many years of use, the State, in 1987, embarked on a multiphase/multimillion-dollar restoration and redevelopment project for Olivo’s and Lido’s beaches, now referred to as the Scarborough South. The addition of Olivo’s and Lido's beaches brought the total acreage of Scarborough State Beach to 59.7 acres and .85 of a mile of shoreline.
The State of Rhode Island has one of the finest, if not the best, saltwater beach and recreational facilities in Southeastern New England. It is hoped that this facility will help to maintain the positive image of Rhode Island’s saltwater beaches and to continue to provide, not only to this generation but future generations of Rhode Islanders, a quality experience for a "day at the beach."
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