Arcadia Management Area (Division Of Forest Environment)

At over 14,000 mostly forested acres, the Arcadia Management Area is the state’s largest recreational area, offering users a great variety of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Co-managed by DEM’s Divisions of Forest Environment and Fish & Wildlife, it is promoted as, and actively managed for hunting, as well as fishing, boating, hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding, to name a few activities. “Multiple use” management principles apply, assuring a safe and satisfying experience for hunters and non-hunters alike.
Miles upon miles of gravel roads and well marked and maintained trails entice hikers to return to a different section each visit. These same trails are often used by mountain bikers or horseback riders so all users need to act responsibly, show courtesy, and “share the road”. Recommended parking for mountain bikers is at either the Browning Mill Pond Recreation Area lot, or the Brook Trail lot which accesses Midway Trail.
Fishing and boating is allowed in Breakheart Pond, but not swimming, cooking, or fires. If you are 14 years old or under, try fishing for trout in the stocked Frosty Hollow Pond, which has a handicapped accessible fishing platform. The Wood River, which flows through the heart of the Management Area is also stocked with trout and offers anglers one of the best freshwater fishing experiences available in the state. But remember, some parts of the river are available to fly fisherman only, and others are “catch and release” only. (Contact DEM’s Division of Fish & Wildlife for more information about fishing these areas.)
Canoeists and kayakers can enjoy the Wood River ’s Class I and Class II stream rating that assures an unforgettable outdoor experience for both novice and experienced alike. A designated canoe launch area is found at the Deer Check Station on Route 165, and there are put-in or take-out areas at each major road crossing. Horseback riders can enjoy ample space for horse trailer parking at the Reynold’s Horseman Area.
Location Information:
Richmond, Exeter, Hopkinton, and West Greenwich
Mailing Address:
Arcadia Management Area Headquarters
260 Arcadia Road
Hope Valley, RI 02823
Contact Information:
Forest Environment Headquarters
Division of Fish & Wildlife
Activities at this location:
- Mountain Biking
- Hunting
- Horseback Riding Trails
- Hiking Trails
- Freshwater Fishing
Other Information:
Management Area Rules & Regulations apply as well as separate rules and regulations for the Reynolds Horseman’s Area.
Florescent orange requirements apply for all users of the Arcadia Management Area during the hunting season, including, but not limited to hikers, & cyclists. Additional boating and hunting regulations apply.