Support RI State Parks
Rhode Island's vast system of parks, beaches, campgrounds, and bike paths are some of our most treasured places. Now you can help strengthen our state parks system by making a donation to the Fund for

Support RI State Parks & Historic Sites
For more than 100 years, Rhode Island’s state parks have lived up to the ideals on which they were founded when Lincoln Woods State Park was established in 1905. This vast system of parks, beaches, campgrounds, and bike paths are some of our most treasured places. They’ve provided countless families with memories and opportunities to breathe fresh air, enjoy nature, and have fun. Now you can help strengthen our state parks system by making a donation to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks at the Rhode Island Foundation.
Make A Lasting Difference
In 2021, the Rhode Island Foundation collaborated with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) to establish the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks. Rhode Island Foundation administers the fund and makes grants to the DEM in support of special projects that improve our ability to serve the people of Rhode Island. This charitable fund connects donors who value the state’s recreational open space with opportunities to make a real and lasting difference for generations to come.
Gifts to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks do not reduce the responsibility of state government to fully fund the operational and capital needs of the state park system.
Rhode Island Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. Gifts made to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Make Your Online DonationIf you prefer, you can mail a contribution.
Your support makes a difference. Thank you
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Rhode Island Foundation?
Rhode Island Foundation is one of the oldest and largest community foundations in the country, dedicated to meeting the needs of all Rhode Islanders. They partner with generous individuals, families, organizations and corporations to make our state a better place to live, work and play. The Rhode Island Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.
What Will My Gift Support?
Charitable gifts to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks enhance the ability of DEM’s Division of Parks and Recreation to expand the quality and scope of its efforts to serve the people of Rhode Island by providing superior public parks, beaches and natural places.
Gifts to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks do not reduce the responsibility of state government to fully fund the operational and capital needs of the state park system.
How Do I Contribute?
Donors who wish to support the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks may make an online contribution. You may select a one-time payment or monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments. Gifts may be made in honor of or in memory of a special individual. You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish.
You may also send a check made out to Rhode Island Foundation, noting the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to Rhode Island Foundation, One Union Station, Providence, RI 02903.
How Will The Money Be Used?
Donations to the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks will be used to support three general areas:

Recreation and Education: Recreational or educational opportunities for patrons, such as construction of a universally accessible playground, an environmental stewardship program, trail improvements, improved access for people living with disabilities, or other projects that extend RI Parks’ ability to offer valued programs and services to the public.

Habitat and Historic Preservation Special projects involving habitat and historic preservation, such as erosion control, introduction of native plants/reduction of invasive plants, preservation of historic buildings, public programs relating to historic sites, and other projects that promote preservation of natural and historic places within the state park system.

Infrastructure Improvements and Resiliency: Long-term improvements to the RI State Parks’ infrastructure and help to build a more resilient park system. Examples of this type of project include installation of potable water bottle filling stations, construction of sun awnings at beach pavilions, improvements to protect against the effects of climate change, strategic planning to improve processes and systems, and other projects aimed at strengthening the vitality of the state park system.
Donors who wish to recommend that their donation support one of the categories above may indicate their preference in the "In Honor of" box on the giving page.
Can I Donate To A Specific Park?
Gifts of $10,000 or greater may be designated toward a specific property within the state park system. While the donor is welcome to suggest projects of interest, the funds must be used toward projects that fall within the strategic priorities of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and must be approved by the Grant Committee.
Donors who wish may also speak to a Rhode Island Foundation team member about creating a named fund at the Foundation, designated to support the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks.
Who Decides How The Money Is Spent?
A grant committee consisting of members of knowledgeable Rhode Island Foundation staff members and Rhode Island DEM leadership meet quarterly to review projects that fall within the three strategic areas supported by the Fund for Rhode Island State Parks. View Prospectus.
Kelly Riley, Donor Services Administrator
Rhode Island Foundation