Free ‘Skin Check’ Screenings


Location: Scarborough State Beach North, Narragansett

Between Friday and mid-August, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), Brown Dermatology, and partners statewide will be making free skin cancer screenings available at select Rhode Island parks and beaches on five dates.  

All screenings will be private and provided by dermatologists and dermatology residents affiliated with Brown Dermatology. The first 100 people at each event will be screened. People who require follow-up will be referred for dermatology consults. People are asked to wear bathing suits or clothing that can easily be removed to reveal the areas of skin that they would like checked.  
WJAR is the primary sponsor of the Skin Check screening events. Other partners include Brown Dermatology, the Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island, Lifespan Community Health Institute, RIDOH, and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM). 
Full list of Free Cancer Screenings Dates and Locations: list available online

Prevention and Early Detection 

The two ways to stay sun safe this summer are prevention (using sunscreen, wearing protective apparel, and staying out of the direct sun) and early detection (getting screened). 

  • Apply sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more with both UVA and UVB protection ("broad spectrum" sunscreen). Make sure to put it on all areas of skin exposed to the sun, including ears, neck, nose, eyelids, fingers and toes, and reapply every two hours. 
  • Use water-resistant sunscreen while swimming, boating or exercising; 
  • Seek shade, especially when the sun rays are the strongest between 10 AM and 2 PM; 
  • Wear protective clothing, such as UPF clothing (UV resistant); 
  • Wear a hat with a wide brim to shade the face, head, ears, and neck; 
  • Wear wrap-around sunglasses with UV protection where possible; 
  • Use caution near water, sand and snow because they reflect and intensify the rays of the sun and can increase your chances of sunburn; 
  • Avoid indoor tanning. 

Early detection:  

  • Talk with your primary care provider about seeing a dermatologist and getting screened for skin cancer, especially if you have a family history of it. 
  • Watch your moles and skin spots over time. If you see changes in their size, color, number, or thickness, they need to be checked by a primary care provider or a dermatologist. 
  • Get your kids screened. Skin cancer is a growing concern for children, especially among adolescents. Talk with your child's pediatrician about skin cancer screening. 
  • If you work outdoors, you should be screened annually by a dermatologist. 

Event Type: Featured