East Bay Bike Path

The East Bay Bike path is a ribbon of asphalt that provides a safe place for unobstructed cycling. Users can enjoy the sights, sounds and smells as the path takes them by coves and marshes, over bridges, and through State Parks. This Bike Path's northern tip will eventually link-up to the Blackstone Bikeway presently under construction.
The East Bay Bike Path is the first bicycle facility undertaken by the State of Rhode Island. It was built in four phases by the RI Department of Transportation between the years of 1987 and 1992. It encompasses 13.8 miles, is 10 feet wide and connects eight parks: India Point Park in Providence, Bold Point and Squantum Woods in East Providence, Haines and Veteran’s Memorial Park in Barrington, Burr’s Hill Park in Warren, and Colt State Park, and Independence Park in Bristol.
Phase 1 - Riverside Square to Barrington County Road, (4.17 miles)
Phase 2 - County Road, Barrington to Franklin Street, Warren (2.38 miles)
Phase 3 - Franklin Street, Warren to Independence Park, Bristol (3.87 miles)
Phase 4 - Riverside Square to India Point Park, Providence (3.98 miles)
Location Information:
From Providence to Bristol along the abandoned railroad line. For the greater part of it's length, it passes along or near the shore of Narragansett Bay.
Mailing Address:
Colt State Park
Bristol, Rhode Island 02809-1710
Contact Information:
Colt State Park
(401) 253-7482
Fax number
(401) 253-6766
Activities offered at this location:
- Biking
- Jogging
Other Information:
View a history of the East Bay Bike Path
Open year round - Sunrise to Sunset
Path does NOT offer snow removal.
Click here for bike path information on the East Coast Greenway.