
It is our aim to make each state park and beach location as barrier-free as possible for the convenience of those with limited mobility. DEM's Division of Parks and Recreation has an ongoing program of renovating facilities to make them accessible to and usable by persons with physical disabilities. Accessibility is considered in all new design and construction projects. In addition to designated wider parking spaces, restroom accommodations, and ramped building entrances, the RI State park and beach system offers accessible picnic tables and sites at all major day use parks. Please check back often as we are updating our website, working to provide more comprehensive information on specific facility and service availability. In the meantime, please contact the Regional Office for the individual park/beach for more information before your trip.
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Assistance At Rhode Island State Park Locations
The following state parks offer ADA-accessible picnic tables:
- Colt State Park, Bristol:
- 3 picnic tables. Call 401-253-7482 to reserve.
- Fort Adams State Park, Newport:
- 2 picnic tables located on the patio in front of the visitor center overlooking the harbor. First come, first served.
- Goddard Memorial State Park, Warwick:
- 4 picnic tables located at the gazebos and picnic shelter. Call 401-884-2010 and press 1 to reserve.
The following locations provide assistance to our disabled patrons in order to make the most out of their experience at Rhode Island State Parks. For more information on a service provided, please contact the location directly.
Beavertail State Park | X | ||||
Colt State Park | X | X | X | X | X |
East Bay Bike Path | X | X | |||
Fort Adams State Park |
X | X | |||
Goddard Memorial State Park |
X | X | X | X | |
Haines Memorial State Park |
X | ||||
Lincoln Woods State Park | X | X | X | ||
Rocky Point State Park | X | X |
View a list of designated trout waters and check their wheelchair accessibility.
View a list of public boat ramps and check handicapped accessibility.
Goddard Memorial Park Golf Course Exemption: R.I. Law 32-1-20: Any veteran who is a resident of the state, and who is shall be determined under applicable federal law by the Veteran's Administration of the United States of America to be totally disabled through service connected disability shall be exempt from paying any fee to play golf at the Goddard Park Golf Course. (32-1-17 Disability Social Security also applies).
Further information can be obtained regarding this exemption by calling the Clubhouse at Goddard Memorial State Park from April 1st through the 3rd Saturday in November at (401) 884-9834 or year round at Division Headquarters at (401)667-6200.
Assistance At Rhode Island State Beaches
All state beaches with pavilions are equipped with ramps that allow access from the parking area up to the pavilion and down to the beach. To help navigate to the water, some locations also offer beach-accessible wheelchairs, walkers, and access mats designed to help people with limited ability access the beachfront. All are available without charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Please view the lists below and contact the location you are interested in visiting.
Beach-Accessible Wheelchairs
The following state beaches offer beach-accessible wheelchairs (can accommodate up to 250 lbs). Click on the beach to find contact information so you can let them know you would like to use this service.:
- Burlingame State Campground (non-surf)
- Burlingame State Park (picnic area, non-surf)
- Charlestown Breachway
- East Beach
- East Matunuck State Beach
- Fort Adams State Park (non-surf)
- George Washington State Campground (non-surf)
- Goddard Memorial State Park (non-surf)
- Lincoln Woods State Park (non-surf)
- Misquamicut State Beach
- Pulaski State Park (non-surf)
- Roger Wheeler State Beach
- Salty Brine State Beach
- Scarborough North and South State Beaches
Beach-Accessible Walkers
The following state beaches offer beach-accessible walkers. Click on the beach to find contact information so you can let them know you would like to use this service.:
Beach Access Mats
The following state beaches offer access mats with advance notice. Click on the beach to find contact information so you can let them know you would like to use this service.
By Rhode Island State Law 32-1-17, no fee shall be charged to any person with a disability regardless of age, or to automobiles transporting a non-driver with a disability at any recreational facility owned by the state, provided, however, proper identification is presented as prescribed by the Department of Environmental Management. For the purpose of this section "person with a disability shall mean an individual who has a physical or mental impairment and is receiving: [A] Social Security disability (SSDI), [B] Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI) or Veterans benefits and who shall be determined under applicable federal law by the Federal Department of Veteran's Affairs to be 100% disabled through a service connected injury.
To obtain your no-cost beach parking pass, you must provide a current-year Social Security disability certification listing you as disabled and collecting disability benefits with the Social Security Administration or a current-year 100% Disabled Veteran’s Administration certificate.
Campground Accessibility
The RIDEM Division of Parks and Recreation is committed to creating recreational opportunities that accommodate people with disabilities. However, most campgrounds within the Park system were constructed decades ago and predate the American Disabilities Act (ADA) that was signed into law on January 1, 1990. Other structures built to meet the 1990 ADA code may no longer comply with today’s ADA rules. DEM is continually working to increase accessibility and further its compliance as it develops new or renovates facilities. Requests or inquiries regarding access may be made to the campground manager.
Service Animals – Service animals, as defined by the ADA, are allowed at all Rhode Island camping facilities when accompanied by an individual with a disability. ADA defines a service animal as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability. Please refer to the pet section of our camping policy for more information.
RIDEM Accessibility Policy
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) is committed to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that its facilities, programs and services are accessible to, and usable by, all people, including those with disabilities. This policy reflects that commitment to provide access to the widest cross-section of the public and to ensure compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and the Rhode Island Rights of People with Disabilities, R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 42-87 et seq. RIDEM will not discriminate on the basis of disability or impairment and will not exclude persons with disability or impairment from reasonable access to any facility or from participation in any program or activity. The goal of RIDIEM is to provide equal access to all and to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
RIDEM will ensure, to the greatest extent feasible, that all people, including persons with disabilities, receive the same program and activity opportunities. RIDEM will take all reasonable steps to ensure effective communication with individuals having hearing and vision impairment or loss by providing appropriate auxiliary aids or alternate formats, in order to afford them the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of our programs and activities. RIDEM, however, is not required to take any actions or provide access that would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of program or activity.
Requests or inquiries for access to facilities, programs or activities may be made directly to facility, program, or activity manager. Requests may also be made directly to RIDEM’s ADA Coordinator:
Tricia Quest, Esq., ADA Coordinator
RIDEM Office of Legal Services
In the event a direct request to a facility, program or activity manager for access to a program or activity is not resolved in a timely or acceptable manner; a complaint may be filed in writing, by email, or submitted by telephone to RIDEM ADA Coordinator and sent to:
Tricia Quest, Esq., ADA Coordinator
RIDEM Office of Legal Services
235 Promenade Street, 4th Floor
Providence, RI 02908
For more information on the Americans with Disabilities Act visit the Department of Justice’s ADA at Homepage at